Most days, we go about our business. We are people of repeat. Of routine. Of monotony. Such a milquetoast approach to living makes sense, when you think about what a baby typically needs. Order is the name of the game and, quite frankly, we’re just old enough to be more than happy to deliver that…
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Dear Abigail – Not long ago, I held a two-week-old baby. She was roughly the same size you were when you were born, exactly half a year ago. She felt so delicate, so tiny. So baby-like. It of course immediately occurred to me that there was no way around that you were once that small,…
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Today I ducked out of a company off-site meeting/party. The meeting was over, the lunch had been served and I, well, I have a hard time socializing in overwhelmingly large groups of people, even when those people are folks I adore. And I do adore the folks with whom I work every day. I’m lucky…
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Oh I am an awful blogger. I have about five posts that I’ve started and stopped a few times in the past month and at some point, usually around 9 p.m., I just shut the laptop and get ready for bed. Writing here, or at least trying to write something of quality, has been too…
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There was a moment about a month ago when I realized, while making the half-mile walk from the train to my front door, that I wasn’t dreading coming home. And as each subsequent day passed by, and with each new picture I printed out and posted in my office, I really and truly found myself…
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So I’ve lost eight pounds since Mother’s Day and have shaved a minute off of my mile time since I last ran, more than a year ago. I’m happy about the weight loss, of course, but at this point even eight pounds has little-to-no impact on me getting into many of my clothes. And I…
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I think the most amazing, wonderful, joyous parts of being this kid’s parent is learning about who she is and what she likes. In the early weeks, it’s true: they really just sleeping, pooping and eating machines. But as they get older? Wow. I’m amazed by this person living under our roof now. I wouldn’t…
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Dear Abigail – Sweet fancy Moses. You are three months old. I cannot believe it. If the second month went by as slow as molasses, this one moved as fast as…well, I don’t have a metaphor for you on that one since today was my first day back at work and I’m a little out…
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No matter how much they might offer, none of my coworkers will be able to give me wet, open-mouthed, sloppy kisses and mid-day snuggles on my chest quite like this little girl can. Dear heavens I’m going to miss spending my days with this one. So, so much. Thanks to Jessie for spending last Monday…
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Tomorrow marks my last day of maternity leave. Since tomorrow Scott is taking the day off so we can spend it together as a family, I thought I would write a few things down today to mark the occasion. This has been simultaneously the best and most challenging time of my life. There is very…
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I want to thank all of you for your awesome comments at the “Dear Seasoned Moms” post. That was a fantastic discussion and I think proof-positive that you can share your experiences and commiserate without being a total jerkwad. You guys rock. Moving on. So I’ve been hesitant to talk about this here, but I…
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It seems as if all my bridges have been burned, You say that’s exactly how this grace thing works It’s not the long walk home that will change this heart, But the welcome I receive with the restart. Friday afternoon, after she’d soldiered through a morning that included not one but two shots in her…
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Oh dear friends what a difference a few days can make. Last night, Abigail slept in her crib. The whole night. Meaning not once after one of her feedings (after her 7 p.m. bottle, until 7 a.m., she has two) did we end up in the glider. To boot, there was no swaddling, no vacuum…
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