Category Archives: Moms and Daughters

Gurls! Gurls! Gurls!

(I read this piece last night as a part of my amazingly awesome friend Claire Zulkey’s regular live-reading series, Funny Ha-Ha.) I have never been well-versed in the ways of girls. Despite having been born, and subsequently raised, a girl, I’ve spent the majority of my waking hours on the planet completely clueless by what…

I’m The Mama

“Mama!” “Mama! Mama!” “I WANT MA MAMA!” Not long after I had AG, but shortly before I returned to work, I mentioned to my friend, Ali, that I worried AG would confuse her nanny for me. Or at least assume the nanny was her real mother. “Don’t worry,” she said. “They know. They just do.”…

Mother’s Days

Sometime around 5 p.m. Thursday night, I received a text from Abigail’s nanny that my girl was running a fever of 103. They say that a healthy child is akin to winning the lottery. They are right. And when you’re the parent of a healthy child, and in the moments your child becomes sick, you…


Today I ducked out of a company off-site meeting/party. The meeting was over, the lunch had been served and I, well, I have a hard time socializing in overwhelmingly large groups of people, even when those people are folks I adore. And I do adore the folks with whom I work every day. I’m lucky…

Hard Work

I think I always knew I would be a work-outside-the-home sort of mom. My own Mom, God rest her soul, worked. She didn’t have a career, but she worked. I never knew a world where moms didn’t work, though admittedly I was lucky enough that my mom was always home for us after school, and…