Category Archives: Abigail Grace

Month Two

Dear Abigail, I won’t lie. I wanted to start off this month’s letter like this: “Dear Colicky A-hole…” But, and while I’m not Dooce, I know first-hand how self-righteous and lacking in humor the Internet tends to be, especially where calling your two-month-old baby an asshole is concerned, and I have enough on our plate…

The Routine

A couple of weeks ago our friends Bill and Laura were visiting and of course the conversation turned to what nights are like around the Smith house. Bill has a teenage son, so it’s not as though the following was a big new flash: “When I consider the hundreds upon hundreds of dollars spent in…

What a difference

Ahhhh. It has been a much better week. There have been a confluence of events – my birthday, help from family, a haircut, sleep, a few trips out of the house – that have made this happen. The total sum has meant, simply, feeling less like someone’s wet nurse and feeling more like a human…

Where we’re at

Thanks, everyone, for sharing your stories and kind words. As always, it means so much to me. I’ve been re-reading your comments a lot these past few days. I am not miraculously better but I am in a better state. I’m still not getting as much sleep as we’d like, but we’re doing OK. I’m…

Back On

When I explain to people that we have “sleep issues” with Abigail, I think they get the wrong idea. Abigail sleeps. But only on us. That isn’t an exaggeration. I’ve gotten sly about her napping – after I know she’s gotten a solid hour and a half, I put her down in any number of…

A Day

Abigail has reflux. She’s also nearing on her sixth week on the planet, the combination of which has made her a delight. And because I am a Type A sort of freak, I’ve been exhausting eveything I can think of to cure at least the reflux and maybe tone down the brightness on her crankiness….

Sums it up

“And I always felt that if something happened to Steve or Pammy, if they died, it would be over for me for a long time but that I’d somehow bounce back. In a very real sense, I felt that life could pretty much just hit me with her best shot, and if I lived, great,…

Get Out

Last night I went out. By myself. Without Scott. Or, most importantly, Abigail. AND IT WAS AWESOME. First? I got “dressed up,” which meant my favorite knee-high black stiletto boots and a dress. I am still in-between fashions right now, but everything I wore was pre-pregnancy clothes, so that felt ridiculously awesome. And, because the…

One Month

Dear Abigail – It’s the law of the Internet, at least if you possess a vagina and a baby and a URL, that you compose a letter to your kid to mark the milestones. I’m a law-abiding citizen, but I’m pretty sure I’d write this to you even if I feared some sort of Bad…


Today the moment Scott walked in the door I handed Abigail to him. Oh, yesterday. Yesterday I felt like the Queen of New Mothers, even though we’d slept an hour longer than we should have, even though she spit up a couple of ounces of formula all over me and her Boppy, even though as…

Mirror Image

lately i’ve been glaring into mirrors picking myself apart you’d think at my age i’d of thought of something better to do than making insecurity into a full-time job making insecurity into an art i fear my life will be over and i will have never lived it unfettered always glaring into mirrors mad i…

Boob Job

The moment Abigail was brought to me in the recovery room after the c-section, she immediately latched onto my breast. I was still out of it for the most part, but it was a pretty life-altering moment, even if I didn’t understand it as it happened. If nothing else, it meant something to me that…

Two Weeks

Abigail – They say it takes two weeks to establish or break any habit. I don’t know what that means in terms of being a little person – I was once only two weeks old, of course, but I don’t remember it, ask your Papa – but I can tell you that in terms of…