When you get older, you come to terms, or at least some sort of détente, with the you you thought you’d be and the you you’ve ended up being or are becoming. (I’m 36, heading into my midlife crisis, no doubt, so just bear with me.) The younger me – the one who was 19 –…
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At some point in my maternity leave, Sarah Bryden-Brown reached out to me to ask whether I’d yet considered becoming a “mom blogger.” I have been writing online since God was a boy. The most sure-fire way to get me to roll my eyes at you is to try and pigeonhole this little hobby of…
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…in maybe just about everything. I know I said I wouldn’t talk about work as it pertains to my actual work, but I’m really proud to be a member of Edelman’s Global Women Executive Network (“GWEN” for short), as well as being proud of a recent blog post written by my company’s CEO, Richard Edelman,…
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