The most lovely thing to happen this week was the moment where Abigail opted – nay, demanded – to stay nestled in my arms, head rested against my shoulder. Twice. Within 30 seconds. My child has never been a cuddler. It is not really in her DNA. My father has forever been saying that since…
Typically I try not to get worked up over celebrity death, but today Maurice Sendak died, and I’m tremendously heartbroken. Apropos, I suppose, that it’s approaching Mother’s Day, and to say that the mother I want to be, the mother I hope that I’m becoming, is one who respects and understands the complexity of her…
As of right now I’m heading into the office. On the train as we speak. It’s been a long three weeks. I’m happy to be back to my routine, though it does mean missing Abigail – she’d come barreling into my bedroom at odd moments with a huge smile on her face and requests for…