(I read this piece last night as a part of my amazingly awesome friend Claire Zulkey’s regular live-reading series, Funny Ha-Ha.) I have never been well-versed in the ways of girls. Despite having been born, and subsequently raised, a girl, I’ve spent the majority of my waking hours on the planet completely clueless by what…
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“Mama!” “Mama! Mama!” “I WANT MA MAMA!” Not long after I had AG, but shortly before I returned to work, I mentioned to my friend, Ali, that I worried AG would confuse her nanny for me. Or at least assume the nanny was her real mother. “Don’t worry,” she said. “They know. They just do.”…
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Sometime around 5 p.m. Thursday night, I received a text from Abigail’s nanny that my girl was running a fever of 103. They say that a healthy child is akin to winning the lottery. They are right. And when you’re the parent of a healthy child, and in the moments your child becomes sick, you…
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Today I ducked out of a company off-site meeting/party. The meeting was over, the lunch had been served and I, well, I have a hard time socializing in overwhelmingly large groups of people, even when those people are folks I adore. And I do adore the folks with whom I work every day. I’m lucky…
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I think I always knew I would be a work-outside-the-home sort of mom. My own Mom, God rest her soul, worked. She didn’t have a career, but she worked. I never knew a world where moms didn’t work, though admittedly I was lucky enough that my mom was always home for us after school, and…
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