Category Archives: Happy Stuff

Week’s End of Operation Remove the Stick Out of My Rear

Thanks for all the great comments this week. I really appreciate them. Here’s the thing: I’m too old to apologize for how I am, you know? I was sitting on my back porch with my sister last night and somehow started talking about the family chores list we had when we were growing up and…

Easing Up

The best advice I’ve received on dealing with being in a funk is to practice radical self-care, whatever that looks like. For me in the past (and sometimes still in the present if it really calls for it), that’s usually translated into mainlining a bag of chips. The more potato-y, the better. Oftentimes it’s been…

Little feat

We went away to Michigan City this past weekend, four days with Scott’s Dad, stepmom, three stepbrothers and their families. It’s a fun-filled few days of sun and kids and carbohydrates and fats in forms you’d not normally consume. When packing Abigail’s things, I stopped short when I noticed the wear patterns forming on her…

Picture perfect

Today started out like a total shitshow. Literally. Because not all of you are parents…no, wait. Let me take that back. Because none of you are as disgusting as perhaps I am in the sharing of your family’s most personal digestive issues, I won’t go into the details of what awaited me and Scott once…


Favorite splurge each week. These cost a total of $8.