Thanks for all the great comments this week. I really appreciate them. Here’s the thing: I’m too old to apologize for how I am, you know? I was sitting on my back porch with my sister last night and somehow started talking about the family chores list we had when we were growing up and…
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The best advice I’ve received on dealing with being in a funk is to practice radical self-care, whatever that looks like. For me in the past (and sometimes still in the present if it really calls for it), that’s usually translated into mainlining a bag of chips. The more potato-y, the better. Oftentimes it’s been…
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We went away to Michigan City this past weekend, four days with Scott’s Dad, stepmom, three stepbrothers and their families. It’s a fun-filled few days of sun and kids and carbohydrates and fats in forms you’d not normally consume. When packing Abigail’s things, I stopped short when I noticed the wear patterns forming on her…
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Today started out like a total shitshow. Literally. Because not all of you are parents…no, wait. Let me take that back. Because none of you are as disgusting as perhaps I am in the sharing of your family’s most personal digestive issues, I won’t go into the details of what awaited me and Scott once…
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Favorite splurge each week. These cost a total of $8.
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