1) We put an offer in on a house yesterday. We’re haven’t heard a word, and I’m deciding not to read into that too much. The agent has been Eager McEagerpants, and we know the seller is anxious to sell, although, really, aren’t most sellers in this market? No one is actually selling unless they absolutely have to anyway. I’ve decided to be zen about the outcome. If they don’t want to work on a price we can all live with, there are others who will, in the neighborhood we want.
All told, though, we really are praying and hoping for the best. We do love this house, even in its current state. Which is to say, whoa is me are we ever in store for a major kitchen remodel before we move in. And then another one next year.
2) I went to a strip bar on Saturday. You know, in my younger days, I went to a few strip bars. I was in my early 20s and it’s what you did and, I don’t know, back then it never bothered me much. Now I’m old and crotchety and I have watched way too many episodes of Intervention and it all makes me a little sad. Whether it’s women or men doing the stripping. That said, I went for a friend’s bachelorette party, and we had a good time, and when it’s men stripping for women it’s a little more…I don’t know, free-spirited and fun and the men aren’t actually pracing around buck naked. One of my friends did have a heart-to-heart with one of the strippers, imploring him to find a new calling, which ended with him telling her he just wants to marry a nice girl.
3) I don’t have a #3. I’m sorry about the lack of updates around here. Work is crazy, and when we’re not working, we’re talking about houses and making babies (literally) and this just one of those times where for now I’m just going to be as sporadic as all get out until the spirit moves me again.
This weekend – YAY FOR LONG WEEKENDS! – I will try and answer some of the questions some of you asked, and if you have more questions or post ideas, send them along.
UPDATE 3a) OK. I do have another thing. My doctor thinks I have PCOS. I feel like PCOS, if you’ll excuse my vulgarity here regarding a condition that’s very serious, is so 2003. Didn’t everyone who had a vagina and a journal end up having PCOS several years ago? I kid, kind of. After a year now of no weight budging, and cholesterol problems, and other things, I went back to my specialist – this guy is the best. He’s an internist who emphasizes homeopathic care, as well as nutritional programs, augmented by traditional Western medicine when needed. Plus, his focus is all on women and their hormones. It’s his thing, if you will, and I feel confident that his approach puts me in good hands.
Anyway, he ran a slew of tests – seriously, a slew – and we’re going over them tomorrow. I’m kinda doubtful about the whole PCOS thing, but then again, as Scott pointed out, I do have myriad of symptoms so it’s not unlikely. What’s nice about this doctor is that he doesn’t blow off my concerns about my weight. He believes me when I tell him that I don’t eat junk and that I do work out and that I’m really at my wit’s end here. He, unlike my GP, didn’t hand me a diet from the American Heart Association.
Seriously. Telling me how to diet is like telling the Pope how to be Catholic.
So whatever it is that’s wrong with me, or at least my body, we’re going to get to the bottom of, sooner or later.