Category Archives: Abigail Grace

Someone's on a train for the first time.

"WE'RE SO HIGH!" (Thanks, Aunt Kate.)

Gurls! Gurls! Gurls!

(I read this piece last night as a part of my amazingly awesome friend Claire Zulkey’s regular live-reading series, Funny Ha-Ha.) I have never been well-versed in the ways of girls. Despite having been born, and subsequently raised, a girl, I’ve spent the majority of my waking hours on the planet completely clueless by what…

The neighborhood tradition gets cooled off!

Love my girls. (AG was NOT HAVING me in a picture without her.)

Elmo and AG face off.

Mr. and Mrs. Lipman's awesome snap peas!

Me and my shadow


Ah, summer.

Cloud pictures from a plane never get old to me.

Let the sunshine in. Face it with a grin. Open up your heart, let the sunshine in.

From the yard, to the kitchen.