I can’t stop thinking about food. I’m ridiculously hungry for something else.
And I’m not emotionally eating, or going off plan, and it’s not that I’m not satiated, but I would like to eat some Barbara’s Shredded Wheat with a dollop of natural peanut butter in some dark chocolate almond milk. I would love to have some baked tilapia. I would like to try out the recipes I’m looking at on Oh She Glows. My husband is out with his friends and I’d love to have a glass of wine. Just a glass! And I would like to use my own salad dressing on a salad not the ones you’re supposed to make on this thing which I cannot get behind.
And it’s not just food at the moment. I want to go for a run. I’m anxious to get back to boot camp and spinning. It’s been three weeks and I miss all of it. I’m heading to yoga tomorrow but it’s not entirely the same.
So I’m ready to get through this week. And don’t get me started on the surprise Springsteen tickets we were just given yesterday. The concert is next Saturday and I’ll be damned if I’m going to get this far in this program and blow it on cheap beer at Wrigley. But I really wish I could.
All that said? Holy Toledo. The results have been wonderful.
My skin looks amazing – seriously. And I don’t have problem skin. It’s just glow-y. There remains only about two pairs of pants that I can’t wear. My hair has stopped falling out. I’m not having any bloating or digestive problems. And the best part? I’ve finally started completely sleeping through the night.
I don’t suspect this will be long-lasting, but I’m hopeful some of it will be. There has been so much additional good come out of these two weeks – establishing a regular meditation practice (if you call 10 minutes of guided meditation a practice but I will for the moment), mindfulness, being more present day in, day out – and I feel relatively changed by a lot of it. I feel anxious and nervous about a goodly portion of it, but change should make us nervous and anxious. I’m ready to take it on and see what happens.
But I think I’m going to be ready to be done eating fruit-only breakfasts.