Category Archives: Uncategorized

Chubby Little Toddler Frog in her natural habitat

Itsy Bitsy spider for the iPad is a big hit in this house.

Expressing our displeasure with still being sick through our art, Warren.

Ultimate Reset: Days 4 – 7

Ugh. So we’re all sick. We have been since Tuesday and it’s been generally miserable. It honestly feels like The Cold That Would Never End, at least as far as my daughter is concerned. So there hasn’t been much sleep around here, and what sleep we’ve had hasn’t been that hot. So I’ve not the…

Daddy's Girl

Ultimate Reset: Day Two

Well that was awful. And it’s still awful. I’m suffering from caffeine withdrawal so horribly that last night? I actually got sick. Like, for real sick. I started getting a headache late in the day yesterday and there it’s remained since. I was woefully unprepared for it – I hadn’t planned on taking anything for the…

I'm going to miss this sunny, funny face. Back to the ol' grind for the Smith family…

Oh static electricity. You are not kind to those of us without much hair.

Cool kid


This baby loves the beach!

Naps and reading. What vacations are made of.